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♥ LovE NoTe FoR YouuuuUU LovelY Cust ♥

~Diskaun 10% akan diberikan ke atas pembelian 3 helai selendang ke atas..:) ~

Note : the colour in these pics might be slightly different from its actual's.Don't hesitate to ask me bout the real colour..:P

+ Polka Dot Series : Chapter 2 +

*demo tidak menggunakan sebarang pin,dan selendang tidak digosok langsung*


Anonymous said...

saya nak book yang wane biru ni skali bole?

mama-khayra said...

misz : buleh...email saya ya..:)

meLmeL said...

cantek! sume shawl polkadot nih. kak ila bykkan la lgi :((